Clinical Overview for Our Outpatient Addiction Treatment Programs

Our chemical dependency outpatient treatment program supplies a trauma informed approach utilizing Evidence-Based Treatment (EBT) modalities and the 12-step based recovery process that people customize to each patients’needs in a tiny, intimate setting. Our environment is welcoming and safe, so that individuals can recover from their addictions and heal from trauma that’s perpetuated their substance use disorders (SUDs). Our goal is to show our patients how to live with their addiction while being a sober, useful person in society.

We maintain small caseload sizes which allow counselors to offer the individualized attention clients desire. Individual therapy is provided weekly enabling consistent attention to treatment goals. These private sessions permit trust and rapport to be designed with one’s counselor and chance to explore concerns that they could not be able to fully explore in group sessions. We recognize the significance of family who may also take part in therapy with their cherished one as requested.

Group therapy is a primary modality of our outpatient substance abuse treatment programs in South Jersey. We aim to put up small group sessions that may provide the building blocks in building positive sober relationships. At the least 3 times each week clients meet in small caseload groups, facilitated by their primary counselor, allowing for continuity from individual therapy. All the group therapy sessions held throughout the week remain small, so each member can participate and focus on skill building and psycho-education topics that enhance one’s skills for long-term sobriety.


Our clinical program strives to offer holistic treatment. Counselors are trained in traditional therapies for treating addiction including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance Commitment Therapy, and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, which is coupled with philosophies and principles of 12-Step Programs. Psychiatric services are regularly available to aid in the management of any co-occurring disorders and to aid in the symptom management of early sobriety. Additionally, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) clinicians can be found to aid in the preparation or continuation of trauma related care.

Finally, we offer comprehensive case management services and supports. We understand that individuals have careers, health problems, and education needs that require attention alongside their recovery from addiction. Our case managers assist in preparing individuals for beginning or returning to employment, assist in addressing any health needs by linking to local healthcare providers, and assist in connection to educational opportunities including GED programs, training opportunities, and enrollment in other educational systems. Additionally, our case managers assist in identifying recreational activities that support positive sober living including yoga, reiki, artistic expression, and other stress management.

Our Treatment Matrix lays out our eight core beliefs on treating Substance Use Disorder. These beliefs are the core of our clinical program.
Evidence Based Treatment (EBT)
Employment Stability & Life Skills
Structured Sober Living
Advanced Case Management
12-Step Support Groups
Trauma Informed Care
Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)
Sober Culture with Community Connection

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