The Best Pregnancy Prevention Devices Out There

Birth control is widely used in the world these days. There are a lot of options women can choose from now as there has been much advancement in birth control technology. One of the most widely used contraceptive devices in the world today is the IUD contraceptive devices. This is a T shaped device ParaGard IUD removal complications that is inserted inside the uterus. This device was first invented in the 1970’s, and was known to be somewhat infection prone, but advancements in technology and use of new materials have allowed manufactures to transform this device into an effective pregnancy prevention method.

The biggest breakthrough was made when manufacturers replaced the so called “string” (the longest part of the T) with plastic material. This is one of the biggest advancements as plastic is an infection resistant material. This has made this device one of the most effective pregnancy prevention devices. They usually cost anywhere between $200 to $600 dollars but are worth every penny. You could buy these at any local gynecologist or health care provider. They are known to be very effective and statistics show that if used properly only one in a hundred women will become pregnant using these IUD contraceptive devices. It’s important to remember that these devices are not perfect. They certainly provide excellent protection against pregnancy they do not protect you against any other STD’s (sexually transmitted diseases).

There two main types of IUD’s available in the market today. They are the ParaGard and the Mirena. The ParaGard is a copper version of the device and contains no hormones. This type of device last for up to 12 years which is a very long period. On the other hand the Mirena does release hormones and will do you good for about 5 years. The main reason why most couples opt for IUD contraceptives is because they can have spontaneous intercourse. Since the ParaGard version contains no hormones it does not make any change in hormone levels. The Mirena on the other hand has known to lighten a woman’s period. The benefit of these devices is that both IUD’s allow women to quickly become pregnant after they are removed.

But as mentioned earlier these devices are not perfect. They do have a few minor drawbacks which are quite notable. With the ParaGard, women have been known to have heavier periods. This is even worse for women who already experience heavy periods as this device have a significant impact on your menstrual flow. These devices have also known to cause spotting between periods. Women have also reported menstrual cramps as well as back aches.

Another option you could choose is a birth control patch. These birth control patches are usually placed on a women’s arm, thigh or abdomen. Birth control patches work by releasing hormones that prevent ovulation. The logic’s simple. No egg for the sperm to fertilize, no pregnancy. The application of the patch needs to be synced with the monthly menstrual cycle. The Birth patch needs to be applied on the day after the period or on a particular day of the week (for example Sunday), and then changed on every week on the same day, for 3 weeks. The patch is not applied in the fourth week and the period starts. An additional form of contraception is recommended during the first week to prevent any surprises. The patch should be applied to area of skin that is free of any makeup, creams or lotions. The patch should never be trimmed in any way. Like IUD contraceptives, birth patches do not protect against STDs. This makes them ideal for married couples that are looking to have children yet.

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